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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/28/21 Fatal Attraction (Proverbs 7) Baxter Exum Sermon Proverbs Sun AM 1584_web.txt 1584_web.pdf 1584.mp3
02/21/21 Where the Light Shines Through Caleb Richter Sermon N/A Sun AM richter_2021_02_21.mp3
02/14/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1583_web.txt 1583_web.pdf 1583.mp3
02/07/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1582_web.pdf 1582.mp3 1582_web.txt
01/31/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1581_web.txt 1581_web.pdf 1581.mp3
01/24/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1580_web.txt 1580_web.pdf 1580.mp3
01/17/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1579_web.pdf 1579.mp3 1579_web.txt
01/10/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1578_web.txt 1578_web.pdf 1578.mp3
01/03/21 Letters to the Seven Churches: Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7) Baxter Exum Sermon Letters to the Seven Churches Sun AM 1577_web.txt 1577_web.pdf 1577.mp3
12/27/20 Jesus in Revelation - Part 3 (Revelation 1:17-20) Baxter Exum Sermon Jesus in Revelation Sun AM 1576_web-1609369335.pdf 1576-1609369334.mp3 1576_web-1609369335.txt
12/27/20 Jesus in Revelation - Part 3 (Revelation 1:17-20) Baxter Exum Sermon Jesus in Revelation Sun AM 1576_web.txt 1576_web.pdf 1576.mp3
12/20/20 Jesus in Revelation - Part 2 (Revelation 1:9-16) Baxter Exum Sermon Jesus in Revelation Sun AM 1575_web.txt 1575_web.pdf 1575.mp3
12/13/20 Jesus in Revelation - Part 1 (Revelation 1:1-8) Baxter Exum Sermon Jesus in Revelation Sun AM 1574.mp3 1574_web.txt 1574_web.pdf
12/06/20 Upsetting the World: Paul in Thessalonica - Part 2: The People React (Acts 17:1-9) Baxter Exum Sermon Upsetting the World (Acts 17:1-9) Sun AM 1573_web.txt 1573_web.pdf 1573.mp3
11/29/20 Upsetting the World: Paul in Thessalonica - Part 1: Paul's Method (Acts 17:1-9) Baxter Exum Sermon Upsetting the World (Acts 17:1-9) Sun AM 1572_web.txt 1572_web.pdf 1572.mp3
11/22/20 When the Bad Guys Win - Part 3: Actions Have Consequences (Psalm 37:27-40) Baxter Exum Sermon When the Bad Guys Win (Psalm 37) Sun AM 1571_web.pdf 1571.mp3 1571_web.txt
11/15/20 When the Bad Guys Win - Part 2: Take the Long View (Psalm 37:12-26) Baxter Exum Sermon When the Bad Guys Win (Psalm 37) Sun AM 1570_web.txt 1570_web.pdf 1570.mp3
11/08/20 When the Bad Guys Win - Part 1: Commands to Obey (Psalm 37:1-11) Baxter Exum Sermon When the Bad Guys Win (Psalm 37) Sun AM 1569_web.txt 1569_web.pdf 1569.mp3
11/01/20 The Golden Rule (Luke 6:27-36) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1568.mp3 1568_web.pdf 1568_web.txt
10/25/20 Jesus' Blood Applied Baxter Exum Sermon Blood in the Bible Sun AM 1567_web.txt 1567_web.pdf 1567.mp3
10/04/20 The Blood of Jesus Baxter Exum Sermon Blood in the Bible Sun AM 1566_web.txt 1566_web.pdf 1566.mp3
09/27/20 Blood: An Overview Baxter Exum Sermon Blood in the Bible Sun AM 1565_web.txt 1565.mp3 1565_web.pdf
09/20/20 Avoid Adultery (Proverbs 6:20-35) Baxter Exum Sermon Wisdom's Warnings Sun AM 1564_web.txt 1564_web.pdf 1564.mp3
09/13/20 God Hates (Proverbs 6:16-19) Baxter Exum Sermon Wisdom's Warnings Sun AM 1563_web.txt 1563_web.pdf 1563.mp3
09/06/20 Beware of the Scoundrel (Proverbs 6:12-15) Baxter Exum Sermon Wisdom's Warnings Sun AM 1562_web.pdf 1562_web.txt 1562.mp3

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